Can We Really Trust Writer’s Euphoria

We’ve all been there, tapping away at our keyboard with this shit eating grin that screams, “You’re a genius!” With each word that passes through your fingers and shows up on the screen, the feeling of perfection grows. Satisfied, you sit back and read through it and are completely drunk on your words.

It’s uniquely yours and you become intoxicated by your clever play on words, hilarity, and all-around brilliance. Your heart is pounding while your stomach tightens, and you can’t wait for others to read what you’ve written.

This is writer’s euphoria and is easily one of the greatest highs I’ve ever experienced. It’s like an addiction so you continue to write so you can once again feel that elation course through your veins.

But what about the lows that comes after the euphoria? The self-doubt that creeps in unexpectedly. The reviewers that hate every single word that you loved and nurtured before hitting Publish.

Was your brain so muddled by your ingenuity that you missed something? Something vital that your readers picked up on immediately and, therefore discarded your months of hard work.

e hemingway

The great Ernest Hemingway once said words that forever remain in the forefront of my mind, “Write drunk, edit sober.” This also applies to writer’s euphoria.

Write drunk. Love your words and the emotions they evoke. And then when you’re done stroking yourself, step away from it. Remove yourself from your work and read it with a callous heart. Edit sober, but keep the alcohol close by just in case…

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Posted in Indy Authors

Cry, b**ch, cry

Written by Yessi Smith

I’ve been reluctant to participate in author signings because of the simple fact that regardless of how much the readers who have read my books love my series, I remain fairly anonymous in the indie world. This weekend I decided to scope it out and went to Ft Lauderdale’s Wicked Book Weekend as a reader. To my surprise it wasn’t the popularity contest I assumed it would be, but more a gathering of girls whose main purpose was to have fun, talk books, and have some boobage action (don’t ask, because I won’t tell).

So now that I am a veteran, let me tell you what to expect.

1. Lines. Long, long lines with eager readers talking and laughing amongst themselves. But then you break through and, before you know it, you’re chatting it up with your favorite author.

Kimber S. Dawn signing

Kimber S. Dawn signing

Oh you know, just me with the awesome Kimber

Oh you know, just me and Kimber


Brushing shoulders with Kendall Grey

2. Alcohol

kimmy gun

3. New friends



So the girl behind Jen is also named

Jen and she read my book and LOVED

it. Total PMP moment


4. And on yea, alcohol

ty and kimmykimmy gun2

With Kimmy, Kimmy’s hair and flat Ty

5. Naked cover models


Okay, I admit it. I mainly operated through a hazy fog of alcohol and don’t have much to tell you, except that you will have fun and meet people that will make your heart sing. I’m looking forward to my own signing and know to bring a banner and plenty of books and swag to sign (hopefully!) So if you’re at my signing, please stop by and say hi to me.

Until you’re able to go to your own signing, feel free to live vicariously through these pictures. Or as I told my jealous friends; cry, bitch, cry

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Posted in Indy Authors, Uncategorized

More Writers than Readers? Yea Maybe

With the ease of technology and just a few clicks on a keyboard, ebooks are easily accessible to eager readers. And we, as readers, devour these books, living multiple lives through the words and imagination of our favorite authors. Sometimes we even find ourselves wondering if we can fabricate a tale worth reading. For some, the answer is obvious and we find ourselves nodding – yes, of course we can!

Since 2008, we have seen a substantial growth within the literary community, many of which are comprised on independent authors. With this growth, the amount of books to choose from are overwhelming, thus leaving literary gems invisible to the public eye. Fortunately some authors have found an answer – a key way to standout amongst the vast sea of endless authors. They have cleverly integrated themselves as a vital part of the indie community through their interactions with bloggers, other authors, and readers, making it difficult to look at the indie community without incorporating them as a part of it.

Silla Webb is a prime example of that. She is the owner/operator of Momma’s Secret Book Obsession with almost 5,000 followers, an active participant in the virtual indie world, Personal Assistant to a fellow author and is now debuting her highly anticipated novel, Covered in Coal. The book is scheduled to be released March 18th and already there is a stirring of eagerness throughout the indie community. Reviews from her Beta Readers, individuals she trusts to read her novel and provide her with necessary feedback, have been outstanding, leaving many of her readers with a hangover and greedy for the second installment in her series. Webb is in the process of setting up her blog tour and the response from fellow bloggers has been outrageous with bloggers recognizing Webb’s talent and avid in their desire to help her reach readers.

CIC cover reveal

L.A. Casey is releasing her debut novel, Dominic, on March 17th, and already has a loyal fanship restless to read the second book in her Slater Brotheres series. Casey’s approach to promotions has been through her own blog, Just My Bucking Book Blog, as well as through giveaways in which she has provided readers with Advanced Reading Copies (ARCs) of Dominic. The response? Amazing! Already she has 15 reviews on Goodreads, each hailing Dominic for its brilliance. She has further used Social Media to connect with readers and to promote her novel with the help of her street team.

Dominic - cover

Even with the necessary evil that is Social Media, some authors remain obscurely hidden, rarely reaping the profits their hard work and talent deserve. Like beggars on a street corner, they email blogs requesting reviews, all too often shut down like mangy dogs unworthy of their times. It’s not that bloggers have this holier than thou viewpoint, but simply that they are busy. They receive a surreal amount of requests from eager authors, just waiting to make their big break. They can’t review each book requested, any more than they can live off of caffeine and the written word.

But authors shouldn’t let the idea of rejection deter them, because what if. What if, this time, they are granted a review from that big blog they’ve been putting all their hopes and dreams on? And it won’t be just any kind of review, but a review so great it validates why they ever put their fingers to the keyboard in the first place. A review that removes the dark clouds and gives the author a glimmer of hope for their future. Maybe, just maybe, that particular review will reach the right person and the prospect of living hungry under a bridge almost becomes nonexistent.

That’s all an author needs – that one person who will help make their novel go viral, creating a storm of desire for their work, thus closing the gap between reader and writer. The capability is there; every new author that emerges knows it and looks for the castle in the air to hang all their dreams on. They just need more readers.

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